Christmas time in New York City


Our first stop, an indoor flea marker in NoHo on Bleecker street. Of course, I could find a flea market open during the week, most are only open on the weekends and are outdoors. Burr, way to cold for outdoor shopping. I think the day we visited the temperature was in the 20’s. 

This market feature vintage items along with new ones. Artists sold painting and custom made shirts. I bought one of each, naturally. I love the work this artist sold. It was hard to pick just one from her. Her name is P.J. Cobbs. This is the painting I chose. She was so nice and even signed it for me.



After shopping, we went to Rockefeller Center to see the giant Christmas tree. Then a my daughter boyfriend surprised us with tickets to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall!


Wow! What a day. The Rockettes Christmas show is fabulous. It is definitely something to put on your bucket list. It was a great day and I am thankful that my daughter and her boyfriend chose to surprise their moms with this special day. I will always remember how much fun I had spending time with them.


My latest estate sale find

My latest estate sale find

What I know about this teapot is that it was made by the Pairpoint. Pairpoint was a company that started in 1880. When I bought this teapot, I thought it was pewter and to my surprise it is quadrupled silver plated. If anyone knows anymore about this teapot please let me know.

Estate Sale finds for the week of November 2nd

Despite the cold weather, this was surprising another good week for yard/estate/demo sales. Living near the coast as we do, many people buy the land a house sits on the for the ocean view or proximity to the beach,  then tear it down and build a brand new house. People will often sell the entire contents of the house to be torn down, in what is called a demolition or demo sale.

These sales are indoors and can be held year round. Estates sales are the same way. You enter the house and go through room by room. The contents including entire kitchens, bathrooms, along with bedrooms and living rooms are for sale. Everything is laid out and priced by the company conducting the sale. These are some of my favorite treasure hunting grounds. Here are a few pictures of the items I picked up this weekend.

A diamond in the rough, this vanity came with a full length mirror

A diamond in the rough, this vanity came with a full length mirror

Large antique mirror from estate sale.

Large antique mirror from estate sale.

Love this lamp picked up at a yard sale for $5.

Love this lamp picked up at a yard sale for $5.

A small green dresser, very good condition, purchased at the same estate sale as the mirror.

A small green dresser, very good condition, purchased at the same estate sale as the mirror.

Project #4 Almost finished, next step waxing

Project #4 Almost finished, next step waxing

Deciding the best way to finish painting the dresser actually ended up being harder than I thought it would be. The last drawer is not divided up into the same proportions as the top 3 drawers. There was also a decorative molding under the top 3 drawers. Believe it or not the answer came to me in a dream. This picture shows you what I decided to do.

I hope this finds a good home. It’s going to be the first item I actually sell. Previously, I have kept every piece I’ve worked on. So now I have to start selling the inventory I’ve collected or my garage/hobby space will begin the look like a used furniture store. lol